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Frequently asked questions

How long does counseling last?


A session usually runs about 50 minutes. On some occasions, we may agree upon a longer session due to circumstances.


How many sessions will you need? That depends on two things: What you need and what you want. Some issues are resolved within a few sessions while others may take in-depth work. How long and how far you go is always up to you.


Sometimes people only have a short amount of time before they leave the area or a certain amount of money they can spend. If so, let me know upfront and we can tailor your sessions to work within your constraints.


How much does it cost?


A fifty-minute session is $140. (The initial session is $145.) If you are using insurance, the cost to you will be whatever your policy dictates.

Will insurance cover this?


I'm in-network for some BCBS plans, Healthgram, and GEHA. (I am not in-network for BCBS Blue Value or Blue Home.)

What this means is:


  • If you have met your deductible for the year then your session cost will be whatever your copay is. (Usually on the front of your card.) You can find out how much your deductible is and if you have met it on your insurance company's web site or by calling them.

  • If you have not met your deductible then your charge will be whatever my contracted rate is for that insurance company. It will not be more than $100 and in some cases will be less. For some policies, the deductible does not apply for counseling so that you just pay your copay.

  • If I am not in-network for your insurance company, depending on your policy you may have some coverage for out-of-network providers. Check with your insurance company.

  • I am glad to file insurance for you. However in order to file I have to give you a mental health diagnosis. If you have questions about this, feel free to talk with me about it. 

Can I friend you on Facebook?


While I'm glad to have you visit my business page, I cannot be your Facebook friend or real-life friend. This is for your benefit. Friends take care of each other. In therapy, the emphasis is on you. It may be the only place in your life where you don't have to worry about taking care of someone else. Boundaries like no Facebook friending help protect that space.

What happens in a session?


In our first session, we are getting to know each other. I'm getting to know you and what you're dealing with - and you're getting at least a first impression of me and what it's like to work with me. At the end of that session, we can decide if it feels like a good fit.


Part of my role is to learn how you work best. Some people work well with very structured sessions and other people like things to be more free-flowing. Some really like having "homework assignments" to complete while others would never think about doing one. So what a particular session looks like depends a lot on how you work and what you need.



Will you prescribe medication?


I have neither the training nor the legal right to prescribe. However, I may talk with you about talking with a doctor or psychiatrist about medication. The goal of medication is to help support you as you heal. (If you cannot get out of bed or are too anxious to focus on anything, you cannot do the work you need to do on yourself.) However, I may also talk with you about non-pharmaceutical options for improving your mood as well.


I've made my appointment. What now?


You'll receive an email inviting you to sign up for my Therapy Notes portal. (This will be the way that you'll access video sessions.) Through the portal, you'll also receive the initial paperwork to fill out and sign online. Not to worry -- the paperwork is brief!




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